16 cubic foot laundry carts
Material handling operations require a number of tools and components to keep the process flowing safely, smoothly and effectively. The GP-16 Material Handling Carts by Granger Plastics helps move essential elements of operations safely, smoothly and effectively. The laundry cart features a number of superior features or improvements over many other typical laundry carts and recycling carts.
The improved features of the GP-16 Laundry cart include an improvement on the way that the casters attach to the cart. The GP-16 cart features a poly foam filled base over traditional messy and deteriorating plywood bases, allowing the GP-16 to provide material handling solutions in the most hygenic of places including clean room operations, hospitals and other medical facilities. The foam filled base also allows the cart to function at high capacity in the most grueling of environments including recycling facilities, schools, day cares and more. Simply put, the foam filled base will protect a company's material handling investment a lot longer than the ordinary plywood base, known to splinter, break and more. The durable rotational molding construction of the cart makes the investment provide material handling operations for a longer period!
GP-16 Laundry Carts
Hospitals, Schools, Hotels, and Commercial laundries, food processing, scrap yards, waste management are all industries that put the Granger Plastics GP-16 laundry cart to the test. With it's wide variety of potential use, the GP-16 provides a material handling solution to so many different types of operations. In a recycling operation, the GP-16 cart makes recycling sorting a breeze with it's easy manueverability, large opening and durable construction. It's plethora of laundry cart uses make it a staple in a number of laundry settings from hotels, resorts, universities, hospitals, commercial laundries and more!
While available in a number of standard colors and custom colors, the GP-16 is also available in 100% recycled materials for the eco-friendly consumer. It is easily stenciled, numbered, marked or labeled for easy identification and inventory control purposes. Granger Plastics can even have your company logo applied to the carts thru the process of post mold graphics if so desired! With a multitude of caster configurations to fit your operations needs, the GP-16 is an extremely versatile laundry cart solution. The carts nest for easy storage and shipment. With a small foot print, but a heavy duty capacity, the GP-16 laundry cart offers lasting material handling solutions that other carts just can't compare to! The GP-16 Carts featuring durable rotationally molded construction provides a smooth, practical, multi-purpose cart that will improve work place operations and efficiency!
Over the years Granger Plastics has used a metal base for all laundry carts, but in recent years created a new design that would help save money and create more of a durable base. Molding the base from the same polyethylene as the cart itself, the base is molded and before getting assembled to the cart the base is foam filled, which is added for the durability. Casters can then be assembled thru the base, which come in swivel, rigid or both to provide easier maneuverability as well as providing proper movement to create the highest efficiency and functionality in the workplace.
16 Cubic Foot Cart Dimensions
16 Cubic Foot Cart Features
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