Plastic Pallets
Pallets are a staple in nearly all manufacturing, industrial and ware housing environments. Regularly moved by forklifts, pallet jacks, front loaders or other material handling devices, pallets allow goods to be moved or stored in a safe and secure fashion.
Plastic Pallets offer a number of features and savings over traditional wooden pallets. A growing number of industries including food, pharmaceuticals, chemical, printing and medical facilities are all rapidly converting from wood or metal pallets to plastic pallets for use.
Benefits of Plastic Pallets
A number of improvements, cleaning and sanitization are features found in plastic pallets that are not available from disposable wooden pallets. The elimination of wood splinters, wood chips, nails and more assist in keeping work areas and work cells cleaner and safe for production.

Plastic pallets will offer an improved, longer, usable life span than the traditional wooden pallets. Plasti pallets will also provide dimensional consistency in comparison to less durable wooden counterparts. Traditionally, these plastic pallets will provide longer lifespans coupled with safe, more efficient work envirionments- providing an overall savings and improvement in operations and efficiencies where many other units fail.
Custom Plastic Pallets often can offer the same innovative features as most wooden pallets. Stackable, rackable, nestable, heavy duty capacities and more can all be incorporated into the design of a custom plastic pallet.

For custom plastic pallet inquiries, please contact Granger Plastics Company. Granger can assist in the design of the molds and produce rotationally molded custom plastic pallets to meet your specifications.
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